Archive | February, 2014

Visualising the Harmony Model

19 Feb



The Interrelations within the Harmony Model


– Take a model of Sphere.

The Human Space makes half of the Sphere

and the Godly Space the other half.

The Human Hemisphere and the Godly Hemisphere are graphically

represented in three Dimensional Space.

– The Time Komponent is integrated in the fact that

the Concepts are taken to behave as

Waves of ideas running through time.


– The Hemispheres are constituted

of as many layers as is necessary for its structural setup.

These layers are vertically setup down to the simplest aggregate of the Section.


– Every layer has horizontally

two planes highly related to each other.

Like the two sides of the same coin:

The Social and the Cultural Planes for the Human Hemisphere;

the Material and the Spiritual Planes for the Godly Hemisphere.


– The Sectors of the Human and the Godly Hemispheres

are here graphically represented in

their context of relations.

Moreover, whatever Space they occupy, the Concepts are taken to

have the capacity and properties of Waves to influence  and flow

into each other, resulting in as much vitality as possible  to reflect the reality.


– At the Centre of the Sphere is the Subject

– HUMAN – ,  with its Human and Godly Attributes

in direct diversed relations and access to  All Components of




THE WORD – The PLAY where this ASHORE and that

BEYOND of the HARMONY is eternally tuned to exist in the

SYMPHONY of ALL, flowing and floating like in the “Ballet piece of Joseph Strauss” -the Dynamiden Waltz- with every being offering its  harmonious “musical touch”.


The harmony-Model+theSynthesis+epilogue_77

The harmony-Model+theSynthesis+epilogue_78

The harmony-Model+theSynthesis+epilogue_79 The harmony-Model+theSynthesis+epilogue_80 The harmony-Model+theSynthesis+epilogue_81

 IT-is-just-An Idea-internet_2Notes-on-the-model



Turning Brainwaves Into Music

Reported July 2010

HARTFORD, Conn. (Ivanhoe Newswire) — Music … we hear it on the radio. We play it on our iPods. We dance to it. Why do we love music so much? As one philosophy professor is showing, it could be because it’s within us all. He’s proving music is more than skin deep.

For Albert Yost and the Gallaibh Celidh band, music isn’t just a way to entertain.

“The thing I like about Irish music is that it hits both extremes of emotions,” Yost explained to Ivanhoe. “It’s either very happy or very sad or somewhere in the middle. You’re always reaching someone.”


Dr. Lloyd says doctors may one day be able to use brain music to diagnose conditions like schizophrenia. So far he’s only assigned notes to a few dozen of the thousands of possible variations. He has turned more than a hundred brains into music and plans to continue his work finding the music inside our heads.

The American Association of Physicists in Medicine contributed to the information contained in the TV portion of this report.

Click here to Go Inside This Science or contact:



Athene’s Theory of Everything

Out of Body Experience

Farewell to The communist -The Materialist Manifesto …

17 Feb

….AND Welcome

„The Postdamer Manifesto“

“The ecological, economic, and cultural crises confronting and seemingly challenging us beyond our capabilities today are the expression of a far-reaching mental crisis in the relationship between us humans and our living world. And this is essentially connected with our refusal to accept – not merely formally, as up to now, but consciously with all its consequences – this discovery of the character of the Wirklichkeit in the scientific context, which has been revolutionarily expanded in comparison with the accustomed thing-filled reality. This forces upon us a modesty about what can be known in principle. This reluctance, however, can easily be understood, not only because of this sore loss, but also for practical reasons, because, as it turns out, this expansion of the “inanimate” phenomena remains essentially without graspable consequences in the context of our objectifiable everyday experiences (laser light would be a counter-example). This is why reductionist natural science, with its strict laws and the resulting predictability and manipulability, initially seemed to remain valid without limitations within this limited area of experience and thus to heuristically justify the idea of a materialistic-mechanistic world. But for the energetically open, animate manifestations of reality, to which human beings also belong, the expansion takes on essential significance expressed precisely in “animation” (in the conventional sense) and can be connected with a “mental” or, expressed somewhat daringly, a “spiritual” dimension.

The surprising peculiarity of the phenomenon of life lies in its sensitivity (resulting from unstable balances), which permits it to trace and “receive” the “pre-living” ground of being. This corresponds to a refinement of the accustomed chaos theory (which is also used to interpret what lives), in which chaos, till now conceived as “determinate”, is replaced by quantumphysical “fluctuations” (a highly correlated “wiggling”). A “new” thinking requires us to discover behind the apparent laws of nature, which were necessarily strict in the old thinking, precisely this pre-living diversity and openness that we lose in the coarsened, “graspable” oversimplification of statistical averages. Such a new way of viewing opens up the possibility of believing in a genuine creativity and gift for intentional action in relationship to the community. It provides the basis, on the one hand, for our striving for freedom and the development of individuality, and allows us to be different. And this, on the other hand, without losing the underlying omni-connectedness, which is expressed in a deep-seated tendency to contribute our specially-developed abilities, in cooperation with others and “organismically”, to a higher ‘whole’– and to do so of our own accord and of our own free will. ” (italics etc. not in the original)

Postdamer-Denkschrift_in English

Postdamer-Manifesto_in English


“The Harmony Model”





አዎ! – የወዲያኛው

  … “The Pre-Living

in the parlance of the “Postdamer Manifesto”model88.jpg


the-harmony-modelthesynthesisepilogue_26.jpgThe harmony-Model+theSynthesis+epilogue_28




May Science make it to Perfection

With Time and Space,

New Dimension.

May Culture be pure and Human

Would History cease to be?

For new Culture, Peace and free,

Life is Faith and Faith in Life

For Infinity — Eternity,

Through Harmony

To the Point, the Destiny.

JOY! is the final Act!

Through high Hope Deliverance,

It is real; for the Human to feel the Source.


Be it Nature or Universe

With Mankind full of Wisdom

Where the state is History

And the Laws are Freedom.

Where faith and religion

Inspire pure Knowledge

Life for Heavon;

Is a challenge.

For perfection, peace and culture.

JOY! is the final Act!

Through Harmony the glory purpose

The godly Human would touch the Source


ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ ሲነገር


ይሰምርለት ይሆን ሳይንስ ፍጹምነት

በአዲሱ አድማስ፣ ባየር፥ቦታ ሰዓት

ባህል እየሆነ ንፁህ ሰብዓዊነት፤

ታሪክ ሲገሰግስ፣ ላንድ አፍታ ቆም ሲል?

ለሰላም ነፃነት፣ ለአዲሱ ባህል!

ሕይወት እኮ ዕምነት ነው፣ ዕምነትም በሕይወት

ዝንተ፥ዘላለሙን፣ ከሰማይ፥ሰማያት፥

በሕብረ፥ቅላጼ ወደ ድለ፥ፋንታ፣ ዕፁብን ለማግኘት።

ዕ ል ል! ዕልልታ ነው የእርሱ ማሳረጊያው

በታላቁ ተስፋ፣ ምሕረቱ ነው ሕያው፤

ዕውነት ዕውነት በሉ፣ ምንጭ ይሰማዋል ሰው።



ስነ፥ፍጥረት ሆነ ሰማየ፥ሰማያት

ሰው፥ልጅ ሲጥለቀለቅ በጥበቡ ሙላት

መንግሥት ታሪክ ሆኖ፣ ህጎቹ ነፃነት፣

ከዕምነት ከሃይማኖት

ንፁህ የሆነ ዕውቀት ለሚከሰትበት፣

ለመንግሥተ፥ሰማይ፣ ፍልሚያ እኮ ነው ሕይወት።

ለሰላም ለባሕል፣ ለፍጹማዊነት

ዕልል ዕልል እንበል፥ ለታላቁ ድርጊት!

በሕብረ፥ቅላጼ ለቅዱሱ ግብዓት

ምንጩን ይዳብሳል፣ሰብዕ በመለኮት!

Hans-Peter Dürr – Das Geistige ist die treibende Kraft.

Quantum Physics and Creativity

Hans-Peter Dürr – Das Sonntagsgespräch (2008)

Change Your Mind

“New Thinking”

17 Feb

“We have to learn to think in a new way.” If we take this call radically seriously, we have to take new or unaccustomed paths of learning. From this new viewpoint, the world – the Wirklichkeit – no longer appears as a theoretically closed system. This leads to an inherent indeterminism that results from the fundamental indivisibility and that is expressed in an inherent limitation of the “knowable”.  Strictly speaking, we are thus forced to speak about the Wirklichkeit only in parables and analogies. There are in principle no longer answers to all the questions that, from a human standpoint, we believe we can pose, because the answers go nowhere.”


“We humans and human communities, with our cultural worlds of ideas, our mental processes, and our moving exchange, represent a special, deeply connected sphere of the living world. Pre-livingness is a characteristic of everything, including the world of things, which is usually regarded as “dead”. We need to reach a fundamentally new way of thinking and a more comprehensive understanding of our Wirklichkeit, in which we, too, see ourselves as a thread in the fabric of life, without sacrificing anything of our special human qualities. This makes it possible to recognize humanity in fundamental commonality with the rest of nature, without thereby falling into a conventional naturalism or simply invoking cosmologies that may have corresponded with the worldviews and ways of life of cultures that remain close to nature.” ***

Hans-Peter Dürr

is SOMEONE who for sure knows all what he is talking about – From deep down “Physics” at -the micro and quantum dimension- up to the schools of philosophy and social sciences … It is an entertainment for the intellect to take the time to listen to him attentively:-

Hans-Peter Dürr – Ganzheitliche Physik



AND …You can throw a glance at the fundamentals of “The Harmony Model” (1 to see the common grounds of the latter and the deliberations of the “Postdamer-Manefesto”  !

“Animate nature draws its ability for continued, creative differentiate and cooperative integration from its “pre-living” (microphysically recognizable) primordial ground, whose “information”, through instabilities, rises enhanced into the meso-sphere, where it unfolds in more intense and richer form. The “pre-living” realm thus organizes itself in the complex variety of our “higher” bio-ecological vibrancy, as we encounter it in everyday life. Cultural-ecological variety and its developmental forms, i.e., its processes of transformation and balance, ultimately also results from this context.”(Potsdam Manifesto & Potsdam Denkschrift)”




1) Side-The-source-part-V

Intelligence and the Brain

12 Feb

Intelligence and the Brain: Recent Advances in Understanding How the Brain Works with Jeff Hawkins

A Wonderful Introduction to understand how Intelligence emerges!

On Intelligence – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to Hawkins, intelligence emerges in the cerebral cortex, a sheet folded into six layers that consists of many regions. A hierarchical cortical structure guides the functional principles of each region in the cortex. What then is the fundamental magic of the brain? Dynamic predictions based on incoming information. These predictions start in the lower layers of hierarchy and are sent to the upper layers of each region. When predictions are correct, the situation is correctly understood. Incorrect predictions require additional global interpretation and prediction at higher layers. Prediction results from higher levels are sent back to lower layers to help the understanding of incoming information. This system is memory-based: the associative memory of recurrent connections enables new predictions based on past information. In short, Hawkins says that emerging intelligence in the brain is based on the ability to make predictions based on associative memory with invariant representations.

On Intelligence with Jeff Hawkins – Conversations with History


the cerebral cortex, sheet folded into six layers that consists of many regions”

How is this structured in content and context ?

I would like to presume that this may amount to the six planes of “The Harmony Model” and the corresponding sections, sectors, dimensions etc.

Jeff Hawkins, “On Open Intelligence”

The emergence of mind and emotion in the evolution of neocortex.


The most deeply transformative concept for the growth of 21st Century psychiatry is the constellation of the chaotic dynamics of the brain. Brains are no longer seen as rational systems that are plagued with emotional disorders reflecting primitives inherited from our animal ancestors. Brains are dynamical systems that continually create patterns by acting intentionally into the environment and shaping themselves in accord with the sensory consequences of their intended actions. Emotions are now seen not as reversions to animal behaviors but as the sources of force and energy that brains require for the actions they take to understand the world and themselves. Humans are unique in experiencing consciousness of their own actions, which they experience as conscience: guilt, shame, pride and joy. Chaotic brain dynamics strives always for unity and harmony, but as a necessary condition for adaptation to a changing world, it repeatedly lapses into disorder. The successes are seen in the normal unity of consciousness; the failures are seen in the disorders that we rightly label the schizophrenias and the less severe character disorders. The foundation for healthy unity is revealed by studies in the evolution of brains, in particular the way in which neocortex of mammals emerged from the primitive allocortex of reptiles. The amazing facts of brain dynamics are now falling into several places. The power-law connectivity of cortex supports the scale-free dynamics of the global workspace in brains ranging from mouse to whale. That dynamics in humans holds the secrets of speech and symbol utilization. By recursive interactions in vast areas of human neocortex the scale-free connectivity supports our unified consciousness. Here in this dynamics are to be sought the keys to understanding and treating the disorders that uniquely plague the human mind.” (my emphasis)

Emergence of mind and emotion in the evolution of neocortex

Nice online References :-

On Amygdala (emotion relevant)!po=34.5238

On the neocortex (Intelligence relevant)

Smile & take a look at the “The Amygdala Hijacking” scenario!!

Amygdala hijack:

the amygdala…..hijacks the rational brain. This emotional brain activity processes information milliseconds earlier than the rational brain, so in case of a match, the amygdala acts before any possible direction from the neocortex can be received.This emotional brain activity processes information milliseconds earlier than the rational brain, so in case of a match, the amygdala acts before any possible direction from the neocortex can be received. When the amygdala perceives a threat, it can lead that person to react irrationally and destructively….

… The emotional component evolved very early: Do I eat it, or does it eat me?”

Famous Amygdala Hijacks:

“When the amygdala is active with blood and oxygen, there is less activation in the prefrontal cortex. Our thinking power is disrupted and there are deficits in our problem solving, because the blood and oxygen are in the amygdala versus the prefrontal cortex. It is like losing 10 to 15 IQ points temporarily, which explains “what was I thinking?” So we are thinking but with less capacity and brain power.”



12 Feb

Svante Pääbo, Anton Zeilinger,John Brockman
Information is the foundation of our universe—and life itself. Cultural impresario John Brockman hosts a Third Culture conversation, spanning science and the humanities.

SVANTE PÄÄBO the founder of the field of ancient DNA, is Director, Department of Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig. Among his achievements are the first demonstration of DNA survival in an ancient Egyptian mummy, the first amplification of ancient DNA, the first study of the DNA from the Iceman found in the Alps, and the first retrieval of DNA from a Neanderthal in 1997. Four years ago, he initiated and organized an effort to sequence the entire Neanderthal genome. The first scientific overview of the genome was published in 2009 and was front page news word-wide. He is the author of Neanderthal Man: In Search of Lost Genomes. Svante Pääbo’s Edge Bio Page

ANTON ZEILINGER, a physicist, is Professor of Physics at the Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics, Quantum Information Institute of University of Vienna. He is President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the author of Dance of the Photons: From Einstein to Quantum Teleportation. Zeilinger is a pioneer in the field of quantum information and of the foundations of quantum mechanics. He realized many important quantum information protocols for the first time, including quantum teleportation of an independent qubit, entanglement swapping (i.e. the teleportation of an entangled state), hyper-dense coding (which was the first entanglement-based protocol ever realized in experiment), entanglement-based quantum cryptography, one-way quantum computation and blind quantum computation. His further contributions to the experimental and conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics include multi-particle entanglement and matter wave interference all the way from neutrons via atoms to macromolecules such as fullerenes. Anton Zeilinger’s Edge Bio Page

The Story of Maths (BBC) & Beautiful Equations

11 Feb

“Make it simple but not less simple” (Einstein)

BBC – Beautiful Equations ( E= mc ^2)

The Story of Maths 1 – 4

The Language of the Universe

“Make it simple but not less simple” (Einstein)