Visualising the Harmony Model

19 Feb



The Interrelations within the Harmony Model


– Take a model of Sphere.

The Human Space makes half of the Sphere

and the Godly Space the other half.

The Human Hemisphere and the Godly Hemisphere are graphically

represented in three Dimensional Space.

– The Time Komponent is integrated in the fact that

the Concepts are taken to behave as

Waves of ideas running through time.


– The Hemispheres are constituted

of as many layers as is necessary for its structural setup.

These layers are vertically setup down to the simplest aggregate of the Section.


– Every layer has horizontally

two planes highly related to each other.

Like the two sides of the same coin:

The Social and the Cultural Planes for the Human Hemisphere;

the Material and the Spiritual Planes for the Godly Hemisphere.


– The Sectors of the Human and the Godly Hemispheres

are here graphically represented in

their context of relations.

Moreover, whatever Space they occupy, the Concepts are taken to

have the capacity and properties of Waves to influence  and flow

into each other, resulting in as much vitality as possible  to reflect the reality.


– At the Centre of the Sphere is the Subject

– HUMAN – ,  with its Human and Godly Attributes

in direct diversed relations and access to  All Components of




THE WORD – The PLAY where this ASHORE and that

BEYOND of the HARMONY is eternally tuned to exist in the

SYMPHONY of ALL, flowing and floating like in the “Ballet piece of Joseph Strauss” -the Dynamiden Waltz- with every being offering its  harmonious “musical touch”.


The harmony-Model+theSynthesis+epilogue_77

The harmony-Model+theSynthesis+epilogue_78

The harmony-Model+theSynthesis+epilogue_79 The harmony-Model+theSynthesis+epilogue_80 The harmony-Model+theSynthesis+epilogue_81

 IT-is-just-An Idea-internet_2Notes-on-the-model



Turning Brainwaves Into Music

Reported July 2010

HARTFORD, Conn. (Ivanhoe Newswire) — Music … we hear it on the radio. We play it on our iPods. We dance to it. Why do we love music so much? As one philosophy professor is showing, it could be because it’s within us all. He’s proving music is more than skin deep.

For Albert Yost and the Gallaibh Celidh band, music isn’t just a way to entertain.

“The thing I like about Irish music is that it hits both extremes of emotions,” Yost explained to Ivanhoe. “It’s either very happy or very sad or somewhere in the middle. You’re always reaching someone.”


Dr. Lloyd says doctors may one day be able to use brain music to diagnose conditions like schizophrenia. So far he’s only assigned notes to a few dozen of the thousands of possible variations. He has turned more than a hundred brains into music and plans to continue his work finding the music inside our heads.

The American Association of Physicists in Medicine contributed to the information contained in the TV portion of this report.

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Athene’s Theory of Everything

Out of Body Experience

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